Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hi there! I'm moving my blog again.

I decided that I'd like to be on WordPress 'cos I find it easier to use - and it looks nicer.

So here's the link. See you over there.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Assassin's Creed 3?

So, Ubisoft revealed that the new Assassin's Creed (I think it's Assassin's Creed Revelations?) is another Ezio title.

They still left some bits hanging there - so I guess it makes sense. It's just that it's three games with Ezio now - I want to see something new - all fans of the series do.

We want a new Assassin, and a new location. We want Assassin's Creed 3.

Thing is - I remember somebody from Ubisoft saying that there will only be three main titles - which leads me to think that Assassin's Creed 3 will feature Desmond as the Assassin - and the location could be anywhere.

Actually - maybe a mix - Have Desmond in the Animus to recover more memories from a new ancestor, in a new location -  and then have Desmond missions done in the same style as Assassin's Creed 1 - You know: Go in, climb things, get information, save citizens, perform assassination, get out.

By doing it like that, not only do you get more actual game-play out of it (rather then padding for more Desmond-plot like in Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 - Brotherhood had more to it), but you have potentially double the story - both parts of the game are equally enjoyable in both game-play AND in storytelling.

Just my opinion - but I think Assassin's Creed 3 has potential to be the BEST GAME EVER (in my brain) if it works like that. Assassin's Creed 2 is my favourite game in the current generation, but if Assassin's Creed 3 was like that, not only would it be my new favourite in this generation, but it could potentially topple Donkey Kong 64 as my favourite game of all time.

The game's made in Canada (Ubisoft MontrĂ©al)  too - so that's a bonus.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Deleted my Tumblr

Not really as good a user interface as people say - I couldn't follow anybody, I couldn't reblog, and I couldn't comment.


So fuck it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

So I couldn't complete BEDA

If it wasn't unreliable internet, it was forgetting my computer when I went back to Peterborough to do my last exam.

Oh well.

Anyways, I'm going to talk about Lady Gaga
Or, more specifically, the song Born This Way.

Now - this isn't really about the song, or Lady Gaga, it's more about an experience involving the song.

See, a while back, I met this girl, who shall remain nameless, but let's call her "The Turk", because she was Turkish.
Now, because of the nature of my relationship with (name removed - let's call her "Gamer Girl"), what with her living in a different country, we have a sort of open relationship thingy, since I'll never move to America, even if my life depended on it, and she's waaaaay too busy to drop what she's doing and move here.

But anyways - back to The Turk.

I met her through the Changling story I was in - and almost right away we sorta clicked - I won't go into details, but you can probably infer from this that it ended up with us sleeping together - to Born this Way, among other Gaga songs.

Now, here's where it gets complicated - she liked to get into people's heads - which I did not like - and I had to be clear with her, not because of her grasp of the English language, but because she either doesn't get sarcasm, or she doesn't approve of it, or both.

And, as anybody who has spoken to me for 1 minute can tell you, it's my first, and primary language.
That ill-fated relationship was a rollercoaster of mixed feelings, confusion, irritation, and GAHWTF? - it's not hard to guess that it ended badly.

Normally, I'd be all "EH! No Regrets!" and move on - just like the relationship with SheWhoMustNotBeNamed - but in her case, I can't. I fucked up. I gave her the cold shoulder, and it ended with a ruined, and most likely unsalvagable relationship.

To make things worse, she went back to Turkey, so I can't even man up and apologise to her in person.

It is, without question, the one regret that I'll always have.

Now that I think about it - there've been a lot of relationship problems with my life lately - maybe spending summer in SF, rather then Peterborough will help me sort my brain out.

Anyways - it's possible that The Turk may be reading this - but it's also possible that she's blocked me from everything - but on the off chance that she didn't, and she's reading this...

Rouge - I am so sorry. What I've done was terrible. If you're willing to try again, then so am I.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Unreliable internet is unreliable.


But I will pull through! I will complete BEDA! FOR PONY!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cake went over great

Have to alter it to make sure it works every time. Then I'll post it here.

I'll tell you that it was nice, fluffy, and the sweetness of the chocolate cake was evenly matched by the bitterness of the stout.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gah! Almost missed a day!

Almost missed a day! (The other day I missed doesn't technically count since I posted something on Wordpress, but I digress)

I was travelling.
In travelling, I have resolved to never, ever drive a Toyota Yaris ever again.
It may be a good car, but it is not a car that was designed for me.

Also, I'm baking a cake. It's a chocolate cake. With stout.

This could either be delicious, or a disaster. Either way, it'll be interesting.