Monday, April 25, 2011

So I couldn't complete BEDA

If it wasn't unreliable internet, it was forgetting my computer when I went back to Peterborough to do my last exam.

Oh well.

Anyways, I'm going to talk about Lady Gaga
Or, more specifically, the song Born This Way.

Now - this isn't really about the song, or Lady Gaga, it's more about an experience involving the song.

See, a while back, I met this girl, who shall remain nameless, but let's call her "The Turk", because she was Turkish.
Now, because of the nature of my relationship with (name removed - let's call her "Gamer Girl"), what with her living in a different country, we have a sort of open relationship thingy, since I'll never move to America, even if my life depended on it, and she's waaaaay too busy to drop what she's doing and move here.

But anyways - back to The Turk.

I met her through the Changling story I was in - and almost right away we sorta clicked - I won't go into details, but you can probably infer from this that it ended up with us sleeping together - to Born this Way, among other Gaga songs.

Now, here's where it gets complicated - she liked to get into people's heads - which I did not like - and I had to be clear with her, not because of her grasp of the English language, but because she either doesn't get sarcasm, or she doesn't approve of it, or both.

And, as anybody who has spoken to me for 1 minute can tell you, it's my first, and primary language.
That ill-fated relationship was a rollercoaster of mixed feelings, confusion, irritation, and GAHWTF? - it's not hard to guess that it ended badly.

Normally, I'd be all "EH! No Regrets!" and move on - just like the relationship with SheWhoMustNotBeNamed - but in her case, I can't. I fucked up. I gave her the cold shoulder, and it ended with a ruined, and most likely unsalvagable relationship.

To make things worse, she went back to Turkey, so I can't even man up and apologise to her in person.

It is, without question, the one regret that I'll always have.

Now that I think about it - there've been a lot of relationship problems with my life lately - maybe spending summer in SF, rather then Peterborough will help me sort my brain out.

Anyways - it's possible that The Turk may be reading this - but it's also possible that she's blocked me from everything - but on the off chance that she didn't, and she's reading this...

Rouge - I am so sorry. What I've done was terrible. If you're willing to try again, then so am I.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Unreliable internet is unreliable.


But I will pull through! I will complete BEDA! FOR PONY!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cake went over great

Have to alter it to make sure it works every time. Then I'll post it here.

I'll tell you that it was nice, fluffy, and the sweetness of the chocolate cake was evenly matched by the bitterness of the stout.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gah! Almost missed a day!

Almost missed a day! (The other day I missed doesn't technically count since I posted something on Wordpress, but I digress)

I was travelling.
In travelling, I have resolved to never, ever drive a Toyota Yaris ever again.
It may be a good car, but it is not a car that was designed for me.

Also, I'm baking a cake. It's a chocolate cake. With stout.

This could either be delicious, or a disaster. Either way, it'll be interesting.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I'm noticing that I don't exactly have much to say. It's probably a good thing I couldn't do VEDA. I'd just be floundering on camera for most of the time.

It's not that I don't have opinions, it's just that I never feel like writing them down, or writing anything down for that matter.
Of course, with video I could just jump cut like every other vlogger - with text it just takes time to write things...

And I get very easily distract-SQUIRREL!

Also - you know that meme where you photoshop hipster glasses on cartoons/whatever? Somebody should do that for Batman "My parents were dead when it was still cool"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I just wrote two exams back-to-back.

My brain is fried. Copme back later.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


They steal my life.

They also prevent me from wanting to do anything. Like play games, or re-organize my room.

Monday, April 11, 2011

So I used to be in a pipe band

I played drums.
I miss that pipeband.

Not because of the mad drumming skills - I've still got that from doing my own thing
Not because of the people in it - most of them were assholes.
Not because of the music - it came from bagpipes, if you thought they were loud as the passed by in a parade, they're even louder when you're surrounded by them.

 No - what I miss about that pipeband was the kilt. 'Cause DAMN I looked good in that kilt.

I'll get a picture up when I find one.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Really, Harper?

I would rather have tax & spend then Harpernomics - because at least Tax & Spend has an income for the spending. Harpernomics is spend money we're not getting back in taxes on things we don't need, and then lieing about the cost.

Forget voting him out, can we lynch him?

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Sometimes, I wonder if I should just not open my mouth on the internet.

It seems that almost every time I do, an out-of-proportion argument starts. Even on the SPOTM forums - one person essentially agrees with me - but we're still arguing because he thinks we should go Solar energy NOW, rather then wait to develop it so that we can efficiently use it.

Grah - at least I kept quiet about abortion.

Also - I plan to start the 30 Day Song Challenge on Tumblr at some point - when I do I'll link to the blog post that'll help you keep track

Friday, April 8, 2011

Things I'll be doing over the summer

So this summer, in between working and money make, I'm schedualed to be bored.

So - to combat boredom, I plan to play games.

To make it more interesting - I'm going to do LPs
I'm also going to play as many Pokemons as I can - and write fanfiction based on the story (I'll make up my own personalities, because yeah...)

So far the LPs I'll be doing (I'll do three) are Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Pokemon Crystal, and Pokemon Emerald

In between that, Animé North, and movies, my summer is set to be entertaining

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Know what I hate?

When you have a job interview, and they say they'll contact you with their decision - AND THEY NEVER DO!

Makes me rage.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well so much for EVERY day

Dammit - I missed a day, didn't I?

Oh well.

Today I will hand in my last assignment of the year - and then I won't have to go back to Trent until my exams.
I never though I could hate a protein as much as I hate the one I was researching for this assignment.
If you happen to be an SND1 protein: I hate you. I hate you so frigging much.

I also hate how the piece of paper with my protein on it said "Tudor-Staphyloccol Nuclease"
THAT'S NOT WHAT THE PROTEIN IS CALLED YOU MORONIC ASSIGNMENT MAKER PERSON! Of course, I didn't know that at the time, so I was kinda stuck on an ice flow, wasn't I?

Today's blog brought to you by the letter omega and the number pi

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And now - a brief explanation of how taxes work

In Canada, if your paychecque is taxed, you never notice it. You just go along with your life, and ignore it.

When February comes around, you file your return, and you get money back from the government.

Taxes are not you giving the government money - it's the Government borrowing money so it can FUND things.

The goverment takes the tax money, puts it in the National Bank, and collects the interest - in February, they give the money back, and the economy continues, with better funded schools, roads, hospitals et cetera.

In short - taxes make money for the country, and TAXES CREATE jobs. But it seems the Citizens of Canada don't realize that this is how it works, and so Harper appeases to them by lieing about how taxes work.

In short - we as citizens of Canada are STUPID and Harper is taking advantage of this.

Steven Harper: Just say "Sieg Heil!" and be done with it

Monday, April 4, 2011


No blog today. I'm too angry.

Fuck you Steven Harper. FUCK! YOU!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Roll Up the Rim to Win!

So, being Canadian - I'm, like, required to love and enjoy Tim Horton's. So, I, like every Canadian, flock to Timmy's every March, because March is "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroll up the Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrim to Win!" month.

For the uninitiated - Roll up the Rim to Win is a contest where Timmy's make special cups as the contest coupons - sorta like scratch'n'win - but instead, you un-curl the rim and the result is printed underneath it.

I constantly lose - I can count on one hand the number of times I won - and it's always, always been a fucking doughnut, but I digress.

The contest officially ends April 1st - but the reality of it is that the contest is over when they run out of contest cups. Every cup produced must be distributed - and they accept claims until mid-May.

The first to run out is always the extra larges - usually because when people win a coffee, it's any size - so they'll take 'em XL.

Now, the genius of the planners is that the best prize - the car (this year it was a Toyota Matrix) is always in a large-size cup - and when people figure this out (the information is available somewhere - my Dad knows where to find it) they'll only order the large size.
Thing is - for a lot of these people, Large isn't enough coffee - so they'll order 2. Tim Horton's just made a bigger profit off of one of their regular XL coffee drinkers.

So, not only are they netting a bigger profit because of the contest itself - they're netting more because people who normally have one XL Coffee (about $2) have two large coffees instead (around $3) - it's only a $1 increase - but given the amount of coffee they sell (they have to grow their own coffee beans because they can't afford to buy it from coffee farmers in the bean belt they use THAT MUCH - especially when you consider their policy of  "Fresh Pot every 10 minutes") they probably make a fortune every March - hell of a way to start the Fiscal year, no?

Saturday, April 2, 2011


So there's this anime called Toradora!

It's your typical romcom anime - it's actually a pretty compelling story, and you're honestly unsure as to how it's going to end actually - it's fairly obvious - even more so if you know limited Japanese and know the mythology behind Tigers and Dragons.

As a whole, looking back, it was actually kinda stupid - but still pretty awesome, in a My Litte Pony: Friendship is Magic kind of way.

The Light Novels were better

But anyways

The 1st OP was pretty kick-ass. I mean, the anime's about the love between an OCD, deliquent-looking honours student, and a slobish, mean-spirited sociopath - but the OP is fast-paced, catchy, and dare I say epic.

That's all I wanted to say.

Friday, April 1, 2011

VEDA... I mean - BEDA! There we go.

I wanted to do VEDA - but I'd honestly forgotten about it, and now that it's April, it's kinda late to make one up.

Besides - I don't have a good camera.

Oh - VEDA stands for Vlog Every Day in April.

ANYways - I decided to do the written version - so I will Blog Every Day this April

Should be fun.


So anyways - I live in Canada.

I've recently decided to re-classify the seasons in certain areas.
Now, of course there's the obvious joke: "Canada has 2 seasons - Winter and Construction" - of course, it's not the only joke, there's also:
"Canada has 4 seasons: Winter, More Winter, Still Winter, and Repairs"
"Canada has 6 seasons: Hockey, Hockey Pre-Season, Hockey Regular Season, Hockey Playoff Season, Hocky Post-Playoff Season, and Good God, Isn't Hockey Over Aready?"
"Vancouver has 2 seasons: Wet and Dry"
Et Cetera

I live in Eastern Ontario - we have four seasons - they ain't The Usual, nor any of the Jokes.
We have 8 seasons!
Eastern Ontario's 8 seasons are: "Wind, Snow, Rain, Repairs, Thunderstorm, Oh look - the Birds are Back, Tornado, Construction"


I don't really have anything else to add now. See you tomorrow.