Sunday, April 3, 2011

Roll Up the Rim to Win!

So, being Canadian - I'm, like, required to love and enjoy Tim Horton's. So, I, like every Canadian, flock to Timmy's every March, because March is "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroll up the Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrim to Win!" month.

For the uninitiated - Roll up the Rim to Win is a contest where Timmy's make special cups as the contest coupons - sorta like scratch'n'win - but instead, you un-curl the rim and the result is printed underneath it.

I constantly lose - I can count on one hand the number of times I won - and it's always, always been a fucking doughnut, but I digress.

The contest officially ends April 1st - but the reality of it is that the contest is over when they run out of contest cups. Every cup produced must be distributed - and they accept claims until mid-May.

The first to run out is always the extra larges - usually because when people win a coffee, it's any size - so they'll take 'em XL.

Now, the genius of the planners is that the best prize - the car (this year it was a Toyota Matrix) is always in a large-size cup - and when people figure this out (the information is available somewhere - my Dad knows where to find it) they'll only order the large size.
Thing is - for a lot of these people, Large isn't enough coffee - so they'll order 2. Tim Horton's just made a bigger profit off of one of their regular XL coffee drinkers.

So, not only are they netting a bigger profit because of the contest itself - they're netting more because people who normally have one XL Coffee (about $2) have two large coffees instead (around $3) - it's only a $1 increase - but given the amount of coffee they sell (they have to grow their own coffee beans because they can't afford to buy it from coffee farmers in the bean belt they use THAT MUCH - especially when you consider their policy of  "Fresh Pot every 10 minutes") they probably make a fortune every March - hell of a way to start the Fiscal year, no?

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