Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reeeeading Break

Grah - Reading Break is supposed to be relaxing and stuff, but NO!

I gotta do homework and things instead.

Also, why the hell did I come home?

Grah, I digress greatly.

Over on SPOTM, I decided to start a project - a project of many blood donations.

I figured, since SPOTMers are going to be my primary readers, I may as well work it here too.

Anyways - here's the thread and here's the form to organize this whole thing.


Meanwhile, in other news - decided I wanna re-play Shuffle! from the beginning. Don't really remember the story lines anymore anyways - so should be all fine and dandy.
I will prepare for awesome... and suck.
Maybe should do Kaede and Sia's arcs first...

Also, came very close to beating Perfect Cherry Blossom. Not a 1CC, but that's not what I was going for.
At the very least, I can now practice the Prismriver Sisters and Youmu now.

Also - been trying to re-watch Baccano!, but my mom doesn't like it when I have fun, so bleeeeeeeh. My brother will eventually get to enjoy the epic though.

Also, Yukari is now Mayor of Peterborough.

Anyways, that's all. Aust Kyzor AWAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Monday, October 18, 2010

And we're back!

Decided, after doing my COIS assignment, to use Blogger from now on - they've certainly improved since when I first tried it out oh so many years ago.

If you're following from Live Journal: hi there!
If you're coming in from Twitter: also hi there!
If you're coming in from the South Poll of the Moon: how the hell did you escape Glad you could make it!

Not much for this first post - don't got much to say right now.

So! Until next time - Aust Kyzor AWAY! *flies off*